Tuesday 8 June 2010

First Sale!

A hectic weekend and my son's 15th birthday has meant that I'm already behind on the 30 pieces in 30 days target, but have a couple almost ready to go.

The good news today though is that I've had my first sale for this project. My piece 'The Unicorn' has been accepted to appear at Short-Story.me with a payment of $10 on publication. I'll post the link here as soon as it goes live. The fear had always been that I could write 30 pieces only to find that none of them sold, but this has given me a little more confidence in the idea.

Thursday 3 June 2010

And on the Third Day

Today's piece of fiction is called 'The Empty palace' anothr piece setting in the slowly evolving city of Hranda. This story has gone off to Golden Visions Magazine www.goldenvisionsmagazine.biz

Between the stories I'm doing on this project and some other stuff on the go I'm now almost at the point where I have more work under consideration than I have in 25 years. Of course back then we had no email and so everything took forever

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Day Two

Here we are on day two and the second piece of fiction has been written and sent to Short Story Me - their website address is www.short-story.me

I've had a very prompt acknowledgement for yesterday's submission along with confirmation that it will not be read until next month. It's that kind of information that helps to manage an authors expectations.

I've got a couple of ideas for the next two stories and am starting to learn more about the world I'm creating.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

And so it begins

Today is the first day of the project and I have written the first piece - Crimson Glass - and submitted it to Silver Blade. I hope that if anyone does follow this blog they will check out the 'zines I submit to. Their website can be found at http://silverblade.net

I've already got my idea for tomorrow's tale but have not looked into where to send it yet. More tomorrow